If you have some unique issue going on in Lightroom that has you stumped, Victoria is the one you want. Victoria, AKA The Lightroom Queen, runs and she found the same questions came up over and over, so she came up with this book so you have all the answers at your fingertips. You can thank her by getting her book, “Adobe Lightroom 6 – The Missing FAQ” which will give you answers to frequently asked questions. It’s a really great guide and she’s super generous to offer it for free. It sure helped me when I was getting started.
Lightroom Queen – If you’re brand new to Lightroom and don’t know where to start, the first thing you should do is head over to Victoria Bampton’s site and download her free Lightroom Quickstart Guide.
She always seems to know what people most want to learn and how to help you “get it.” Her tutorials are very detailed and experienced users will pick up lots of helpful tips. Laura has a way of explaining things that makes it easy for beginners to understand and implement quickly. Her site has a lot of helpful free tutorials, both written and video, as well as paid video training including the very popular video workshops, “AdobePhotoshop Lightroom 5: The Fundamentals and Beyond” and “Lightroom 5: Producing Great Output.” She also offers private instruction and workshops. Laura Shoe’s Lightroom – Laura is an Adobe certified Lightroom instructor and photographer. I’ll check it out and if it looks like it will be helpful to people I’ll add it. I’m constantly adding to the list, so if a site you like is missing, please let me know in the comments. They all love to teach and they’re pretty generous in offering free stuff, you’ll even find a bunch of links to free presets. These sites are run by experts like Scott Kelby, Victoria Bampton, George Jardine, Tony Northrup, Trey Radcliff and others, so you’ll find lots of good resources. I’ve even included the top Lightroom YouTube channels and pretty much everything else I could find that could help you with processing, organizing and printing your images. It includes links to popular blogs and free tutorial sites, paid training and membership sites, presets and plugins, forums and discussion groups. I’ve scoured the internet and spend countless hours asking in forums, chatting with experts and checking out websites and came up with what I think is one of the most comprehensive lists of Lightroom sites on the web. After you watch the video, make sure to check out his YouTube channel to see over 600 of his tutorials.There are lots of places to get Lightroom tutorials or other help and resources, many of them are free. Serge Ramelli's Favorite Lightroom Shortcutsīest of all, if you can't remember all the Lightroom shortcuts Ramelli explains in the video, he includes a way for you to download a free "cheat sheet" of everything here (you just need to create a free account on his website). And I love shortcuts, so let me show you which ones I think are the best that you should know to speed up your own workflow with Lightroom Classic." "It's going to change the way you use Lightroom because there's over 250 shortcuts, but I discovered I've only been using 13 in 12 years. "In this video, I want to give you the 13 shortcuts that I've been using in Lightroom Classic for over 12 years that speed up my workflow by at least fifty percent," Ramelli says. Fortunately, there are Lightroom experts like photographer Serge Ramelli who has shared his top 13 personal favorite shortcuts in Lightroom in the video below. Lightroom is an amazing program for editing and organizing your photos but it’s a rather dense app you can easily get lost in.